I've been looking all over the place a piece like this. The energy it emits is amnazing. So victorious. Nice job.
I've been looking all over the place a piece like this. The energy it emits is amnazing. So victorious. Nice job.
This is such a mess of mixed emotion and a touch of irony that is...Oh! It's pretty fun song.
Nice Cooking.
I keep love this beats man. They are so nice. So ambiental. You know what I mean?
Nice Beat.
It's almost hipnotic. In a loop this may serve to put some one into trance or something like that.
No way!
If i had to review this song (Witch i am doing) just one word come to mind; Awsome! I must see your stuff more often
Thanks a lot!!! :)
Like it a lot!
THis is really good stuuf
Me gustaba el otro, pero bueno este es mucho mas relevante en parte hacia la serie.
Me gusta mucho esta cancion.
Gracias. n_n
It's like the world is not there. Becuase you are not using it. You know. When you come down to it it's all there just waiting for ya, I don't know wacha waiting for. But it better be worth waiting man.
Age 34, Male
Local NutBall
Bum Independent University
Joined on 4/6/09